Monday, January 28, 2013

Well it's official...

...I'ts a girl!
So we have arrived at the halfway point in pregnancy and I am honestly feeling much better.  I really struggled through the first trimester as I couldn't eat or smell anything, was nauseated all the time, and basically survived on oatmeal and smoothies.  Yummy!  Moving into the second trimester, that subsided a bit but introduced a new stage of pregnancy side effects, throwing up with no warning or reason.  I was nauseated all the time during trimester 1 but never threw up, not so this round.  It was a little less consuming but still a little annoying.  Thankfully, except for a few random occasions  that has subsided as well and baby and I are eating lots and enjoying it.  I don't really have an appetite for too much and certainly no cravings but overall we are keeping food down and able to be out without many smells effecting us.  Rob and I were kind of like little school kids waiting nervously for our first day of class before the ultrasound.  Not sure how to feel, nervous, excited, uncertain.  We were both very excited to see our little one for the first time and to hear that everything was right on target, 50% in everything, which is apparently exactly where you want them at this point.  Finally after the tech had done all her measuring she asked if we wanted to know what it was.  Emphatically we both said YES, so she moved around to see if she could get a good shot.  Man our little one was doing so good and gave us a great and clear view.  It's a girl, no question about it and she's perfect. 
Isn't she just beautiful ;)  Don't worry if you can't see anything, I never could either

I wasn't really feeling excited or really anything about the pregnancy until I saw her.  Now everything feels more real and concrete and I'm actually feeling some emotional attachement to her.  It's a little hard because I really don't look pregnant at all.  I more look like I had a really big dinner or something... But she certainly does let me know she is there so that helps.  

This is what I have to show for 20 weeks pregnant

So I decided that I should start keeping track of how I'm feeling and what's been happening so I might be able to remember after she's born.  I'll be trying to update this about every week or two to keep everyone posted on how it's going.

Weekly Questionaire
How far along? 20 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain: -3 lbs     
Maternity clothes? Not even close, though I would really like a wardrobe of leggings and tunics       
Stretch marks? Nope  
Sleep: I sleep fairly well, just can't sleep on my stomach anymore which has made it a little difficult.  Up usually once a night for the bathroom   
Best moment this week: Best moment of the last week was getting to "meet" our baby for the first time and finding out who she's going to be
What's been on your mind? I have been overwhelmed with planning everything for her.  Nursery furniture, bedding, apartment, feeding, hospital needs/expectations 
Miss Anything?  Seriously have been missing Margaritas for quite a while.  Strange since I don't usually drink them but maybe it's cuz I can't.
Movement: She's been moving around for about 3 weeks now.  Nothing crazy but lets me know she's there.      
Food cravings: Nothing really, chocolate has come onto my radar but that's about it.       
Symptoms: Finally I don't really have any right now.  I'm sure they will pick up soon again though.   


Saturday, January 12, 2013

I'm back... And long overdue I know :-(

Well life here has settled down a bit and since I feel I might have some extra time, with only working one job, I figured it was high time I started writing on this blog again and see where it takes me.  It's been almost 10 months since I wrote last so sorry to those who were hoping this would keep you better informed on our lives...  Over the last year since we have been here, I have had two jobs, Rob has had two jobs, we have completed an entire year of seminary (yay!) and we are now cleaning up from the holiday craziness.  In about March I got two jobs within a week of each other.  First, I went back to Starbucks full time with the intention of moving up in the company and pursuing management.  I was also offered a job doing case management, similar to what I was doing in Florida, and I began doing that part time.  As time went on, I was asked to take on more cases and go full time at the case management office, and was also being pursued for management through Starbucks.  Makes for some fun decisions!  After much prayer, we decided that I should step back from Starbucks a bit and work more full time doing case management as this offered us more income and thus flexibility as well.  That continued for several more months.  I was transferred to a new and much busier store in August, where I really enjoyed working.  However, in early October we discovered that we were pregnant and the intensity of work became increasingly more difficult due to the increased exhaustion from 1st trimester pregnancy intensified by the fact that I was having a very difficult time eating anything or really maintaining my strength in any way.  After a few weeks of struggling through work, we decided that it would be best for me to stop working at Starbucks and focus on picking up more cases to supplement at work.  I told my boss and we set my time to end after the holidays were through.  I officially had my final day at Starbucks, for the 3rd time, on December 31st.  It was such a relief to know that I would not have to get up at 4am again or stay up till 11pm (until the baby).  We have just returned from 10 whole days home with my family and our friends in Tampa and I am so refreshed and ready to see what this next chapter brings for us.  We have had so many first this past year.  Big move together, starting seminary, new jobs, first place, first Christmas together married (and last one alone) and finally we move on to the new chapter that 2013 brings our way.  In just a short 5 months, we will hopefully be bringing home a new baby, to another new house that we have yet to find and we will be embarking on that journey of parenting that will change our lives forever.  I praise God for his mercy and guidance and know that he will lead us and give us all the strength we need.

Heres to 2013!!!

~ Becky