It will not look exactly like this. I plan on probably putting light pink in place of the white on the bumper and making the blanket patchwork and with some more substantial edging. I'm nervous to order the fabric and start as I have never undertaken anything like this and I don't have anyone here as moral support to tell me I'm doing it right. I'm working up the nerve to order the first set of fabric to get started here shortly. Hopefully my husband is ready for part of the house to become sewing central!
We are going to get furniture from IKEA, white crib and a dresser and possibly a bookcase and nightstand as well to have next to the chair in her room. I'm hoping to get a few little accessories for her as well like a large beanbag chair so that she has her own place to lay and then sit in as she grows. Seems easier to grow with than a baby chair... I'll also make some pillow covers for throw pillows and some other various things. Maybe another blanket, more minky and soft. We shall see how I'm feeling once I've started the process.
Now on to the questionnaire portion of the post...
how far along: 24 weeks today
total weight gain/loss: 0- +2 lbs (from pre-pregnancy) not really sure but it looks like I'm closer to even
circumference at belly button: 31 inches
how big baby is: According to The Bump she is the size of a cantalope. The dr. estimated about 13 inches and about 1lb as of a couple weeks ago so I would say at least that.
maternity clothes: not yet but I am starting to break out some leggings. Most of my regular clothes still fit just fine though.
stretch marks: none
sleep: mostly good. I have been waking up around 2:30 in the morning and tossing for an hour or so, then back to sleep. Not sure what that's all about.
best moment this week: Going to our birthing classes last night. I always feel empowered and encouraged when we go. I don't know that I have learned anything new yet but I'm really enjoying them.
movement: She has decided to take up Karate, I have decided. She will be a master by the time she is born. Very active in the morning and afternoon most days and super active anytime I have sugar!
food cravings: coffee cake, particularly the one I always used to make as a kid. Sadly I have not figured out how to make it gluten free so I'm still lacking on that fulfillment.
gender: a GIRL!
labor signs: no
belly button: still very much in
what i miss: sleeping on my stomach, my flat stomach.
what i am looking forward to: finding a house to give this little one a room in, seeing the sun and upcoming baby shower(s)!
PS. Anyone who is in the Tampa area, I am having a baby shower April 6th, location to be determined. Formal invitations will be sent out but just in case you wanna mark it on your calendar. My momma is gonna throw me one while I'm down there! Isn't she the sweetest!