Just in case you were curious, this is about how big Baby Oz is. Sometimes I think the produce comparison is interesting and sometimes it's just strange, but hey, at least we have something to compare it to.
Average size: 15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lb.
At 29 weeks, she’s not just moving a lot, she’s also plumping up. And as she continues to put pressure on your digestive system, you’re going to feel the effects.
So there are 11 weeks left and the nursery design and everything else prep has come to a complete stand still. I can't figure out any more details until I know what room this is actually going to be in. I can't figure that out until I know where we are going to be living, and I can't figure that out until we make a decision about this house... Not the position I wanted to be in with just under 3 months to go but it is alas the place we are. I know that we have prayerfully considered all of the options and with the information we have we are thinking that purchasing a home would be the wisest investment for the amount of time we will be here and the space we can get for it. We are hoping to put in an offer on our desired home sometime this week and are praying that the process goes smoothly, everything is approved quickly and our offer is accepted. I know I feel a peace about this decision but it's still nerve wracking thinking about actually taking a leap of faith and purchasing a home. We have made it to almost 30 without making any large purchases like this and suddenly we have decided that it might actually be a good idea. Not sure what we are thinking but I know that we are trusting God's direction in this and if he is directing it, he will open the doors to make it happen in the time we need it to. We just need to learn to trust and lean on Him. A lesson I feel I am always learning and never mastering. Does anyone ever master this? Do I have any hope?? So I'm just working away, watching the weeks fly by faster than they ever have before and not believing that in 3 short months I will be on maternity leave actually holding my little girl and trying to manage to keep her alive. It's crazy that they let such inexperienced people try to care for a helpless little person, but I guess we all learn!
Look I even put on normal clothes this week :) |
How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +11 lbs from first dr. visit
Belly measurement: 34 inches
Maternity clothes? no but I have discovered the wonderfulness that is the hairtie button hole extender. Man jeans are more comfy
Stretch marks? Nope
Stretch marks? Nope
Best moment this week: Rob to look at baby stuff with me Saturday morning and just walking around. He really doesn't like looking at any of it so that was a big sacrifice on his part, though I always wanna look more ;) I really love him for doing it with me.
Miss anything: hmm, right now, eating sugar without getting my insides kicked out as payment for it
Movement: All the time and crazy hard! She flipped head down on Monday last week so she is kicking my ribs hard core!
Food cravings: not really
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, though I did get sick on Sunday. Don't think it was prego related though
Have you started to show yet: Yep she's finally starting to make her presence known, though I still hear daily that I'm really tiny...
Gender: Girl!
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am not really either as the weather is making things rather dreary around here but I wouldn't say I have been too emotional
Looking forward to: Getting things rolling on a place to live and meeting our baby girl, also the end of winter would be wonderful! Just saying...
That's all for now. Let me know if you have any questions cuz I'm running out of things to write about this week :)
That's all for now. Let me know if you have any questions cuz I'm running out of things to write about this week :)