Well, for all who have been tracking. We are at 28 weeks and officially have entered the third and final trimester, yikes! Who knew it was all going to go by so fast?! Seriously, believe people when they tell you it will fly by, they aren't just saying it. So the wonderful benchmark of the third trimester is this wonderful thing known as a glucose test. Whoever invented this test has lost their mind. It is a new form of cruel and unusual punishment for poor mothers who are just trying to keep their baby growing for another 12 weeks or so and then produce it healthy into the world. I suppose that it was more of a difficulty for me than most as I do have some medical complications that make things more interesting. So I went in on Tuesday for my 28 week appointment and to complete this lovely test of not eating after midnight the previous day, sitting in the waiting room for 30 minutes extra because they were doing a lot of these tests on Tuesday, drinking some not terrible tasting super sweet orange flavored juice and then being told that for at least another hour I was still not allowed to eat, which ended up being another hour and a half before I actually was able to get to some food. Now normally this would just make someone a little crabby and jittery, however, I have hypoglycemia (the opposite of diabetes). This is something I have had all of my life but I have never bothered to have it officially diagnosed as drs. didn't believe it existed when I was very small and I knew what it was and what I needed to do so a diagnosis wasn't going to make much difference to me. Well this was definitely to my disadvantage. After about 30 minutes of sitting with this stuff in my system, I could barely think straight and I was getting very weak. I sat for another 30 minutes after I met with my midwife and heard the heartbeat to confirm our little girl is doing just fine. She is measuring a little small right now so I guess we are going to need to increase protein intake to ensure she is growing! They sent me back out to the waiting room to wait until the end of the necessary hour to draw my blood. Eventually she called me back and took three lovely vials of blood, which only added to my already light headed and weak feelings. I left the office, having a hard time seeing straight and barely with the energy to walk to the car and looked for the nearest restaurant. The only thing close was McDonald's and let me tell you, not the protein rich food you really want for yourself at this point. So I ate some of that and then proceeded to feel slightly out of it and weak for the rest of the day as my body never really did balance out the sugar levels and get things back in order. Needless to say, I will be getting an official diagnosis to avoid this if I ever encounter the need to potentially take another one of these tests in the future!
Now on to the update...
how far along: 28 weeks 1 day
total weight gain/loss: +10 from first dr. visit
circumference at belly button: 32.5 inches
how big baby is:

Week 28: Eggplant
Average size: 13.6 -14.8 inches, 1.5-2.2 lb.
Immune system is preparing for the outside world...
maternity clothes: not yet. hoping to hold out till it's warm enough to wear the summery things my friend Amanda let me borrow
stretch marks: nope
sleep: Good. Up 1 time usually at night to pee
best moment this week: She flipped to a head down position on Monday. Wierdest thing I have ever felt but her kicks aren't as intense most of the time now.
movement: Several times a day she has her sessions of movement. I could see her moving around all over under my shirt. One seriously active child.
food cravings: not really
gender: GIRL!
labor signs: Nope
belly button: stil in
what i miss: Feeling in control of my internal organs
what i am looking forward to: all the upcoming baby stuff (showers) and getting to rest. Trimester 3 is already more exhausting.
Awww Becky- you look so great!! Thinking of you and the little one!! xo