On the Road! |
A couple of my cousins were responsible for the planning and execution of this event and they did a fantastic job!! The party started at 4pm and both family and long time friends of my aunt were in attendance.

We had some yummy food and tons of desserts, it really isn't a family party without at least one if not two tables of desserts. They had also set up a photo booth of sorts and we all took some fun pictures.
After the party we headed back to the RV and voted for a campfire. It had been cold and gray all day, perfect for a fire and some marshmallows!
Sunday morning we got up and went to the church I grew up at with my mom. It was nice to see a few old faces. We went to lunch at a new little cafe called After 26 Depot, a restaurant started by my sister's old special education teacher and teachers assistant after they retired. It's a place where their old students, who graduated at 26, could work and earn some money in a real work environment. They serve as hosts, busers and dish washers. While there we were able to see Alice's old teacher, Ms. Bloomfield, and I can honestly say I have not see Alice smile that big in at least a year! She was so excited and happy! I'm so glad we were able to make the stop.
The three of us headed back down state after lunch to Grand Rapids to see some of Rob's family and some dear friends of ours. We were able to spend a few hours with Rob's grandparents and introduce them to their great-granddaughter. It was such a precious sight!
We went out to dinner with Rob's aunt Karen and cousins Lauren and Lisa and had a wonderful time catching up with them as well. They took us to a new little restaurant in East GR called Harmony Brewing Company. Fabulous pizza and some great local beer as well. Our thing Grand Rapids is known for is its local breweries and they make some fantastic selections. Finally we headed over to my dear friend Stephanie's for the night. Monday morning we had plans to go see Rob's dad as well and headed out fairly early. Things didn't go quite as planned but all in all it worked out ok. We were able to spend Monday evening and most of Tuesday morning with Ben and Stephanie before we needed to head home. Alythia and Stephanie's 4 month old daughter Lillyanna were able to meet and spend some time together. This may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship... :)
It is always a short visit when we see them but I always leave refreshed and encouraged. We have known each other for 23 years and it truly is a friendship that can go through anything. No matter how long it has been or what the circumstance, we pick right up where we left off and it's as though no time has passed. These friendships are few and precious and I am so thankful that God has blessed me with such a wonderful lifelong friend. I pray that there are many more years of memories and that our daughters might even grown up to enjoy just as sweet of a friendship as we have.
two generations of friends |
Do you have a friendship that you treasure?
Aw I wish I could meet Alythia! Hopefully at some point :) Glad you had a fun trip!!