Wednesday, May 15, 2013

35 and 36 weeks

Hey all, sorry that I have been slacking on updating this weekly lately.  It seems that the closer we get to the baby's arrival, the more hectic and uncertain life is becoming and I have not always felt like I had the spare minutes to sit down and write the weekly update.  I know that's not an excuse and I need to make this more of a priority if I intend for this blog to be more in the future, but for now, I have a couple photos from last week and an update for starting the last month of pregnancy!!

35 Weeks (had to do a last minute selfie...)

The view from my vantage point

36 weeks, starting to feel big!

How far along?  36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +17 from first dr visit
Belly measurement: 36 inches
Maternity clothes? Still not really.  I only have two pair of pants that fit comfortably for work so those are in constant rotation, Shirts are starting to show belly if I'm not careful.
Stretch marks? Not on my belly. 
Best moment this week: Last we have an ultrasound because I have been measuring 3 weeks small.  It was pretty cool to see her on the screen again and to see how she's doing.  Mother's Day was pretty cool too.  Getting happy mother's day wishes for my first of the rest of my life was a nice surprise. 
Miss anything: I miss the usual; stomach sleeping, no heartburn, full appetite, my clothes fitting.  In general I'm looking forward to not being pregnant anymore.
Movement: Yep all the time, though she has run out of room so now it's just becoming painful.  She stretches all over, sticking her behind out one side and her feet out the other and pushing on my hip bones with her hands.  She just squished.
Food cravings: Nope, I do really like soda though.
Anything making you queasy or sick: still not loving the smell of coffee like I usually do and also not loving carrots.
Have you started to show yet: yep, she's sticking out now for sure!
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks here and there but she was having a good time the other night trying to push herself out.  Not sure what was motivating that but she was sure trying. 
Belly Button in or out? Fairly flat at the moment.
Wedding rings on or off? On! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been more moody lately but not sure that's the pregnancies fault.  There are so many things going on with us at the moment so that is making things certainly very interesting.
Looking forward to: Seeing her little face in person, she was hiding at our last ultrasound so all we could see were hands, legs and backbone.  I still don't know how they squish all that baby in such a small place.

So as I mentioned briefly, we had a second ultrasound last week.  At my 32 week appointment I was measuring 2 weeks smaller than average.  My midwife asked if I wanted them to schedule an ultrasound to check out how the baby was doing and make sure there were no problems.  At that point, I told her that I wasn't worried enough to feel like that was necessary but we could see how I was at the next appointment and decide then.  Two weeks later I went in for my 34 week appointment and was now measuring 3 weeks smaller than average.  At that point we decided we should see what was going on and she scheduled me for an ultrasound sometime in the next two weeks.  I went in last Wednesday, at 35 weeks, and baby girl is rocking along!  She was 5.5lbs and right on growth track.  The problem is that she has decided the appropriate place for her head is entirely in my pelvis already so her head is not factoring into the measurements like it normally would.  She's right on track and, though it's not always comfortable, she is letting me stay pretty small as well.  I'm certainly experiencing some serious heartburn from all her pushing on my stomach and all the room she is taking up, but at least I haven't had to buy many new clothes!

Now on the docket is finding a pediatrician and meeting with them, getting the birth  plan in our file with the hospital, and making sure everything is as ready as it can be in our little apartment for when she comes home.  Sadly, I will not have her nursery done before she arrives, as we will not be moved into a new place by then.  Hopefully it doesn't take too much longer, but for now I have a place for her to sleep and we have the carseat.  Oh, one more thing to the list, get the carseat installed before I go into labor!

That's about it for now.  Hope your having a fabulous week!  Our weather is finally starting to act like spring!! 


Saturday, May 4, 2013

34 Weeks

34 weeks and feeling pregnant now!

How far along?  34 weeks, yikes!  I better start getting things ready for her!
Total weight gain/loss: +15 from first dr visit
Belly measurement: 
Maternity clothes? Some.  I can wear shirts that are pulled in on the sides and struggling with pants because now my only ones that fit are my super stretchy jeans but I don't want to spend money on something I'm only going to wear for 6 weeks.  Seems silly.
Stretch marks? Not on my belly.  I have some on my sides but not sure if that's pregnancy related or not.
Best moment this week: Taking maternity pictures in the park.  We have such beautiful parks around here and I love that it's actually been nice a few day to enjoy them.
Miss anything: Missing an uninterrupted night of sleep.  From what I hear though, that isn't going to return any time soon.
Movement: All the time.  She's been head down for a long time so I'm sure she's getting bored of that position and being stuck so she likes to kick the inside of my ribs and punch the inside of my hip bones, not the greatest feeling in the world...
Food cravings: No, I wish I was craving something because then I would feel like eating.  I'm back to having very little appetite which does not work well with trying to get her protein so she will grown!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Strange and random things make me queasy, like green chilies this morning or that stupid candle that has been making me nauseated for the entire pregnancy!  How can something smell/taste so good when not pregnant and then be the most revolting thing in the world while pregnant?!  So weird.  
Have you started to show yet: Yes, I would say quite a bit, though still not where people expect me to be at 8.5 months.
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: I have had a couple Braxton Hicks but nothing major, just enough to let me know what they are.  If they stay that easy then this whole natural childbirth thing is going to go great! (jk I know it is going to take some serious work)
Belly Button in or out? in but almost flush.  I think we will have in outie for a week or two at the end. 
Wedding rings on or off? On! Thankfully nothing has swelled yet and unless it gets super hot in the next few weeks I should be good.  I appreciate not feeling puffy and bloated as one positive if this pregnancy.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy but this week I have been somewhat of an emotional wreck.  It's partially hormonal and partially environmental but I have definitely cried more this week that usual.
Looking forward to: Moving into the next stage, where she is actually out and we can see her and watch her grow.  I'm officially over being an incubator and though I'm sure that has Rob says, it's easier to take care of them inside then outside, I'm ready to do the next thing.  40 weeks is a long time!

That's all for now.  I will try to update a little more on the rest of life in a couple of days.  

