Sunday, February 12, 2012

Offically 3 weeks in

Well, we have now officially been in Kentucky for 3 weeks now and life is starting to feel normal.  I'm slowly getting the lay of the land and figuring out where my favorite spots are.  I'm excited that our place is in a really centralize location and we have all the best stores around!  We have a Trader Joes, Whole Foods and Fresh Market all within about 5 miles of us.  It does wonders for a budding culinary explorer like myself.  The house has begun to feel like a home though I have plans to paint strips on the bedroom wall and still have wedding pictures to put up, as soon as I find some frames that are suitable.  Sometimes being picky isn't so fabulous but I know the right thing will show up sooner or later and my creative juices will start flowing.  

I had a job interview on Wednesday last week with the State of Kentucky, child protective services division.  I didn't realize it at the time but I actually interviewed for three jobs at once in a panel interview.  A bit more intimidating than one on one interviews, especially since I'm pretty sure this is my second interview ever!  I'm not sure how it went but I'm hoping and praying that it went well.  I think there were about 6 people who were interviewed so that's not too bad of odds.  Not sure when I will find out if I got it or not, I was too nervous to remember to ask...  I really have to get better at interviewing.  I have another meeting on Tuesday this week with a lady who runs a case management agency here (similar to what I was doing in FL for the past few years).  I'm not sure if that is something I want to do or not but never hurts to find out more information and may it will be as flexible and with less of the headaches and stresses, one can hope!!  I have also put in some applications for part time/hourly paid jobs cuz we need to have some kind of income soon and I'm about to go crazy!  

I have started a new chapter in my life, I never thought it would happen but I have started to make grocery lists and plan my meals on a weekly basis.  I'm not getting so scheduled as to decide which day gets what meal but I am planning it as far as I need to to make sure we have the things in the house that I need.  I guess it's more out of necessity because I decided I wanted to start using there recipe books that we have around here instead of just having them make me look more skilled in the kitchen.  My favorite two things at the moment are my trusty Publix Apron Meals cards that are so easy, and the Deliciously Organic cookbook that I got for my shower from my dear friend Amanda!  I never knew that I would actually enjoy cooking but it's fun to try new things and even if a recipe has lots of ingredients, rarely is it actually all that difficult to make.  Plus, I have nothing else to do right now so I might as well experiment, as long as I don't actually ruin anything beyond repair... I don't want to waste precious ingredients carelessly.  Always a balance between creativity and budget.  Such is life :)  On another cooking note... I successfully melted chocolate today!!!  I can't tell you how many times I have tried at failed at this seemingly simple task and yet, I finally did it, and I successfully made cake balls (cake pops without the sticks).  They are very yummy, now if only I could get someone else other than us to eat them so we don't gain 100lbs! 

Well, if you think of it, keep me/us in your prayers and the job hunt continues and the church hunt continues (more about that in the next post).  We are doing well but really are looking forward to settling in somewhere and starting to get some friends that we can spend time with.  It gets a little lonely after all the friends we had to leave in Florida, though we are getting as much quality time as possible with all Rob's school work.  Anyway, I guess that's enough for now, this got a little longer than I planned. 


  1. Loved this update!! Good job in the kitchen...sounds fun. :o) I hope you find a job soon. I'm praying for you...

  2. The interview sounds VERY intimidating (coming from a girl who has had about as many interviews as yourself). I'm sure a job will turn up soon! It pretty much HAS to, right? LOL

    Until then, it sounds like cooking is keeping you busy! I'm glad Deliciously Organic is proving useful. Have you guys made any other dietary changes other than just real food and dairy free? Congrats on successfully melting chocolate! I still task that to K since I have zero patience for failure, especially in the kitchen! LOL.

    You are in my thoughts! :)

  3. Love hearing what you've been up to. Been praying about the interview (and for you!), thanks for the update. Love you muchly!
