Saturday, June 8, 2013

39 weeks...yikes!

37 weeks

38 weeks

39 weeks and feeling it!

How far along?  39 weeks, yikes!!
Total weight gain/loss: +20 from first dr visit
Belly measurement: 38 inches
Maternity clothes? Still not really.  I could probably use the super stretchy waistband about now but there's no point in buying clothes I can only wear for a few days!
Stretch marks? Nope!
Best moment this week: Realizing that there's only a week left before my due date!
Movement: I think I'm more excited when she's not moving.  She is so active and so squished that it's really getting painful to have her moving around. 
Food cravings: This week I caved and bought myself some Cap'n Crunch.  I have not had cravings this whole time but now I think I'm just to the point where I am over this and really just want some good ol' junk cereal.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing external.  I've had a few nauseous spells but I think it's just from all the pressure she's putting on my stomach
Have you started to show yet: absolutely, though I am getting tired of hearing people comment on how small I am.  My stomach measures at 33 weeks and has been for about a month now.  We have done two ultrasounds to make sure she is good and everything is as standard as you could want.  I just carry differently than most women and it seems to be a big concern to a lot of people.
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: I think I've had contractions but I'm not really sure.  What I feel as far as pressure could also be just her pushing on things so I can't really say.  When she's out I'll know I was feeling labor I guess.
Belly Button in or out? Fairly flat and doesn't seem to be pushing out any more.
Wedding rings on or off? On though when it gets warmer out they are a little tight. 
Happy or Moody most of the time:This week I have been super moody.  Probably a combination of exhaustion, stress from work and just being over this whole pregnant thing
Looking forward to: Seeing her actual face.  I have seen so many pictures of her skeletal structure from ultrasounds, I wanna see what she actually looks like and stop feeling her little feet digging into my ribs.

Sorry this update has been so long in coming.  I have had a crazy month.  Hopefully I will have a little more time between feedings after she gets here to be able to start being more consistent with updates. Until then, please keep checking in and I will keep you posted on how everything is going!



  1. well, i think you look fabulous! don't worry about what everyone else has to sat about it... stay calm and carry on momma!

  2. i will always be checking for the updates! :) so great to talk to you the other day and to "see" you in the weekly photos!
