Tuesday, March 5, 2013

26 weeks

26 weeks

how far along: 26 weeks
total weight gain/loss: +9 from first dr. visit (+3 from pre-pregnancy)
circumference at belly button
: 33 inches
how big baby is: 14 inches long, 2 lbs - apparently the size of lettuce
maternity clothes: no but the jeans are getting a little snug
stretch marks: not that I know of

sleep: fitful, I am usually awake for about an hour around 3am and little princess is just having a ball playing jungle gym at that hour as well.
best moment this week: buying her crib and mostly deciding on her bedding/room theme and decor
movement: all the time!  unless of course I want her to move...
food cravings: none
gender: GIRL!
labor signs: Nope
belly button: in but I did notice that it's more out than I have ever seen it
what i miss: Margaritas.  Non-pregnancy: the BEACH!
what i am looking forward to: My trip to Florida in April and our baby shower.  Finding out for sure if the rest of the bedding set is coming in.

Not much else to report on the home front this week.  I'm starting to really hone in on my design choices and getting everything ready to purchase, given that the bedding is officially what we go with.  I am crossing my fingers that I get a big fat yes from the store that it is shipping tomorrow.  I really, really want that final piece!!  I'm looking forward to getting things settled and arranged so that we can get the last few pieces of furniture and I can decide if I am going to paint her room here or not.  I'm torn as I just don't feel like we are going to be here long enough to make it really worth it, but I don't want to leave her room just shy of completed either.  Decisions, decisions...  Well for the most part I'm just planning and putting lots of things into online shopping bags, ready to hit purchase when I get the final word.  For now, that's all that's going on in the never ending cold tundra we call home...


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